' Sangria - San Martiño Winery


SangriaSangria is a delicious fruit-based wine "punch" with its traditional heritage well rooted in Spain. Typically, sangrias are made with red wine, fresh, seasonal fruit and a bit of bubbly water or citrus flavored soda but it can also be made with a white wine.

Category : Drinks

Add a little more sugar to your taste. Makes 12 1/2 cups

  • 1  (48-ounce) bottle cranberry-raspberry juice cocktail
  • 1  (750-milliliter) bottle dry, full-bodied Spanish red wine
  • 2  tablespoons  Grand Marnier or orange juice
  • 1/4  cup  sugar
  • 1  orange, thinly sliced
  • 1  lemon, thinly sliced
  • 1  cup  fresh cranberries or fresh raspberries
  • 2  cups  club soda, chilled
  • Garnish: citrus rind curls

Combine first 4 ingredients in a large pitcher, stirring until sugar dissolves. Add fruit slices and cranberries; cover and chill at least 8 hours. Stir in club soda and ice cubes just before serving. Garnish, if desired.